ENSEM has always fostered privileged relations with the world of industry. They are developed through different forms of collaboration, whether in courses, research or student association projects.
As ENSEM is a century-old school , it can rely on a network of more than 7,500 alumni to develop privileged links with major industrial groups that are leaders in the energy sector (General Electric, EDF, Safran, EDS, GDF SUEZ, CEA, etc.) and also in the digital sector.
If you wish to collaborate with ENSEM, we offer you the following options:
- Recruit your future collaborators through the ENSEM forum, the Apprenticeship program or the Alumni Association ENSEM NANCY ALUMNI
- Develop new projects and train your employees by entrusting End of Studies Projects to our engineering students or through lifelong training
- Support our actions and our engineering students through training levy
All these collaborations can be grouped together by joining our partners’ club
The Partners’ Club
ENSEM offers you the opportunity to become a member of the School’s Partners’ club.
To acquire this status and discover the possible partnership offers:
ENSEM’s programs are available to holders of a two-year undergraduate degree (or equivalent) who can prove a minimum of 3 years’ professional experience in a senior technician position. They can then follow the Fontanet program.
Before entering ENSEM in 2nd year as part of the Fontanet program, candidates must follow preparatory training provided by the University of Lorraine.
Trainees benefit from specific teaching and supervision. They are then gradually integrated into the engineering school.
The Fontanet Preparatory Cycle
Math upgrading program
- Distance preparatory cycle “Elan Ingénieur Grande École”
- FULL TIME Cycle: in-class preparatory cycle
ENSEM is currently working on the implementation of short, non-degree courses for company employees, who will benefit from all the teaching and scientific resources and skills of the School.
Do not hesitate to let us know about your needs.
For further information, please contact
Since 2017 ENSEM has offered a work-study program for its Energy degree in partnership with ITII Lorraine.
This route, authorized by the CTI (Commission des Titres d’Ingénieurs), enables you to obtain the same degree as in full-time education.
What are the main areas of training?
Professional skills :
Ability to design, optimize and maintain energy systems, particularly in road, rail or air transport, industry or construction, taking into account their electrotechnical, electronic, thermal, fluidic, control and monitoring aspects.
Economic, human and social sciences:
Understand and analyze companies at functional, organizational and managerial levels, understand the economic impacts of energy transition.
Training in the international context:
Written and oral communication in English, 10 weeks abroad.
Target audience
Holders of a 2-year undergraduate degree the field of energy (DUT, BTS, ATS preparation, CPGE, integrated preparatory cycle, Bachelor 2 or 3) with at least 120 ECTS credits.
Would you like to recruit an apprentice for the next school year?
INDUSTRIAL PROJECT ( PFEI : Industrial End of Study Project)
You are developing a new product, a new process, you are carrying out a prospective study, ENSEM can support you in your projects. Through an End of Study Project, student engineers, supervised by professors , will bring you their skills by relying on the infrastructure and equipment of the school and its laboratories.
ENSEM is committed :
- to implementing all available means so that students can achieve the objectives and/or deliverables defined in your project
- to providing one or two engineering students per project and more than 100 hours of work per engineering student
- to drawing up specifications beforehand
- to enabling the work to be finalized as part of an engineering internship
The cost of the service is from 1 500 €.
Would you like to propose an end-of-study project?
A professor specialized in the project field can define a preliminary draft for the specifications with you.
Information and contact information
Submit your job offers to the association ENSEM ALUMNI, which will forward them to our 7,500 graduates.
Support the training of tomorrow's engineers
The technological challenges brought about by the energy transition and environmental protection lead to a strong need for training in the field of energy. By 2020, all categories combined, the demand for jobs is estimated at 2 million in the field of energy efficiency and 3 million in the field of renewable energy. The degrees offered at ENSEM meet this strong need for training in the field of energy. They are based on three areas of excellence in engineering sciences: mechanics, electricity and information sciences.
For you, we train engineers capable of understanding the increasing technological complexity.
Support progress and innovation
For more than 100 years now, ENSEM has been training high-level engineers whose skills meet the needs of industry. The involvement of professors doing research in our 5 internationally renowned laboratories provides our students with a constantly updated education that is always linked to progress and innovation. These courses and expertise are at the service of your development.
Your contribution allows us to invest in state-of-the-art equipment that guarantees the maintenance of innovative and attractive courses.
How to pay the training levy ?
Indicate on the OCTA slip the amount you wish to pay the ENSEM, in category 1 and specify the recipient.
Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Electricité et de Mécanique
2 avenue de la forêt de Haye – BP 90161- 54505 Vandoeuvre Cedex
Code N° UAI EF* : 0542493S (Training establishment code: Université de Lorraine)
Code UAI de l’ENSEM : 0540121N
NB: It is important to communicate to OCTA the UAI number of the institution (and possibly of ENSEM) which is an official and unique number, allowing the designated institution (Université de Lorraine) and the school (ENSEM) to be identified unambiguously.
Become a promotional sponsor and develop a privileged contact with students, from their first year of training to their graduation.
If you wish to open your doors to our engineering students, we can help you set up their visit.
Information and contact information
Present your company and your career opportunities
Recruit your trainees and future collaborators
Meet all the ENSEM students
Building on the success of the previous editions, the 2019 edition of the ENSEM Forum will take place on October 10 in the Grands Salons of Nancy City Hall.
On the agenda for the 2019 edition:
-an exceptional location
-company booths for direct contact with our 500 students
– interview sessions between future 3rd year trainees and companies, organized by our junior company, ENSEM Conseil
Involving all 500 engineering students from ENSEM as well as young graduates, you will be able to get to know:
1st year students for a first contact and a presentation of your company and your professions. They will be looking for a one-month internship to discover your company.
2nd year students who will have to choose their major who are looking for a minimum 1-month technical internship.
3rd year students who wish to refine their professional project and establish privileged contacts to find their 6-month engineering internship and prepare their integration into working life.
Young graduates who are looking for their first job.
So don’t wait any longer to register!
Information and registration
If you would like to participate in the graduation ceremony and award our best engineering students, contact us: