ENSEM, a school at the heart of major transitions.
Created in 1900 by Dean Ernest Bichat and brothers Alfred and Ernest Solvay, ENSEM has been training engineers in the fields of mechanics, electrical engineering and, more recently, digital sciences for over a century. Today, the skills of ENSEM engineers are used in development or research projects in response to major societal challenges such as energy and digital transitions, particularly in the sectors of energy, industry, transport and construction.
ENSEM, located on the Engineering campus of Brabois in Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy, is the School of Energy Engineering of the University of Lorraine and the Grand Est Region. It offers advanced courses in the fields of production, optimal distribution and rational use of renewable energy. Since 2017, its programs are available for co-op students.
The quality of ENSEM’s training, graduates and results is recognized in France but also by many partner universities abroad. Mobile, open-minded, and skilled, at the end of their training, ENSEM graduates are capable of meeting major scientific and technological challenges.
To constantly improve the efficiency of the school and promote the integration of graduates in an ever-changing world, the school relies on a strong network of alumni, industrial partners and committed staff.
Jean-François Pétin
Email : jean-françois.petin@univ-lorraine.fr
Tél : ( +33 ) 03 72 74 44 01
Valérie Louis-Dorr
Deputy Director
Email : valerie.louis@univ-lorraine.fr
Tél : ( +33 ) 03 72 74 44 13
Monique Lemaire
General Secretary
Email : monique.lemaire@univ-lorraine.fr
Tél : ( +33 ) 03 72 74 44 08
Céline Delattre
Email : celine.delattre@univ-lorraine.fr
Tél : ( +33 ) 03 72 74 44 01
Benjamin Rémy
Director of Studies
Email : benjamin.remy@univ-lorraine.fr
Tél : ( +33 ) 03 72 74 44 05
Stéphanie Gallaire
Director of International Relations
Email : stephanie.gallaire@univ-lorraine.fr
Tél : ( +33 ) 03 72 74 44 19
The creation of ENSEM in 1900 by dynamic industrialists and forward-thinking professors was followed in 1902 by the creation, by farsighted students, of the Association Amicale des Ingénieurs IEN, which later became the Association of ENSEM Engineers.
The approach of these pioneers is still rooted in the subconscious of ENSEM engineers and the values they believed in are still developed during studies, internships and student life.
The first graduates came out in 1901 and counted 5 people; all electrotechnical engineers. “electro” remained the name of ENSEM engineering students for a long time.
Of course, a lot of progress has been made both in terms of the subjects taught at school and in terms of the number of engineers who have graduated but year after year, the Association of ENSEM Engineers has remained a pillar to support these developments.
The association ensures the link between the different generations by organizing meetings in Paris and all the regions of France.
Examples of events are:
– The annual ENSEM day in Paris, which brings 140 alumni together each year,
– Dinners for various-year class graduates on the school premises, which gather about 140 people
– Regional meetings: Toulouse, Tours, Aix, Strasbourg, Lyon
The Association also promotes the school and the ENSEM degree. This work is carried out in close consultation with the school
Examples of actions:
– Targeted job offers made available to members on the Association’s website
– A lifetime email: firstname.name@ensem.org
– Presence of ENSEM alumni at the IESF (Ingénieurs et Scientifiques de France)
– Presence at the ENSEM Forum on Energy and Digital Systems
– Management of the Association’s social network pages and website. The Facebook and LinkedIn pages have been renamed “ENSEM Alumni”.
– Participation in the school’s Board of Directors and its Improvement Council
– Publication of a directory of all alumni and biannual newspaper “ENSEMble”.
The Association is also involved in the lives of students at school:
– Grants are awarded annually to student associations
– Grants are allocated each year for particularly deserving students studying abroad (Vogt and Stoufflet Scholarships)
– The Association participates in round tables for students during the school year.
2018 annual ENSEM Day in Paris (Tour Montparnasse)
The association’s booth at the Forum on Energy and Digital Systems in 2018
President ENSEM Alumni
Since its inception, the Association has been at the service of students and graduates. It is based on the involvement of volunteers but can only work with the support of everyone.
It is also the first network of graduates of the school, as it facilitates job hunting and offers contact opportunities in your professional career.
Don’t miss the opportunity to join this great network!
The “Fondation de l’Industrie à l’ENSEM” was created in 1932 and was immediately recognized as a public benefit organization. Today, it mainly aims at raising funds to help the School in various ways.
The funds come from :
Industrial partners of ENSEM via sponsorships or specific actions, defined in agreements signed with the Foundation.
Bequests and donations from ENSEM alumni who wish to support their former school through the Foundation.
In recent years, these funds have enabled the Foundation :
To participate, very broadly in the construction of the Emile GUILBERT new energy platform, named after the person who made an important legacy; this platform has contributed to strengthening the position of ENSEM as the School of Energy.
To completely renew an electric engine bench for the ENSEM labs.
To help the School in its communication policy.
To replace the computer equipment made available to engineering students in two rooms.
To generate scholarships for engineering students experiencing financial difficulties.
The Heads of the ENSEM Foundation study any partnership request that may be submitted to them.