Admission upon merit
and apprenticeship 2022

Admission upon merit

This alternative route enables entry to the engineering cycle of the Energy or Digital Systems degrees.

Who can apply to enter the 1st year of the engineering cycle ?

Holders of a minimum of 120 ECTS credits at the beginning of the academic year (DUT, ATS or CPGE preparation, 3rd year in bachelor). Students should be supported by their institution and provide excellent records.

Who can apply to enter the 2nd year of the engineering cycle ?

Holders of a minimum of 240 ECTS credits (master 1, master 2) at the beginning of the academic year. Students should be supported by their institution and provide excellent records.

I am a foreign student , can I apply ?

Foreign students who have not followed any university studies in France must apply via their country’s Campus-France portal. They should provide excellent records and have good level of French language (minimum B2 level)

Recruitment calendar:

  • [2 March 2020] Deadline to send your application file to download here :

Dossier candidature fiche d’appréciation enseignant Anglais fiche d’appréciation responsable formation

  • [13 March 2020] Notification of eligibility results by e-mail
  • [27 March 2020] Tests and interview at ENSEM (more details in the application file) save the date !


admission apprenticeship ( ENERGY )

Since 2017 ENSEM has offered a work-study program for its Energy degree in partnership with ITII Lorraine. This route, authorized by the CTI (Commission des Titres d’Ingénieurs), enables you to obtain the same degree as in full-time education.


What are the main areas of training?

professional skills :
Ability to design, optimize and maintain energy systems, particularly in road, rail or air transport, industry or construction, taking into account their electrotechnical, electronic, thermal, fluidic, control and monitoring aspects.

Economic, human and social sciences:
Understand and analyze companies at functional, organizational and managerial levels, understand the economic impacts of energy transition.

Training in the international context:
Written and oral communication in English, 10 weeks abroad.

Target audience

Holders of a 2-year undergraduate degree the field of energy (DUT, BTS, ATS preparation, CPGE, integrated preparatory cycle, Bachelor 2 or 3) with at least 120 ECTS credits.

Recruitment calendar

  • [2 March 2020] deadline to send your application file to download here :

Dossier candidature fiche d’appréciation enseignant Anglais fiche d’appréciation responsable formation

  • [12 March 2020] Notification of eligibility results by e-mail
  • [26 March 2020] Tests in Maths and science (according to your specialist field) + English test + interview at ENSEM. save the date !